I've gotten to the point where the garage/shop is such a mess that I HAVE to clean it out. I can't find tools. Parts are missing (when things like door panels go missing, you know you have a problem.... just kidding.). The entire place looks like a tornado hit it. It's time to organize and clean up for a better restoration effort!
On this blog you will find a contest. How many rust marks did I grind out on the driver's side door??? Now, you will note the word "find" because there are possibly more lurking under the paint. I do have a great way to detect even the most minor rust pin points on a car: 1) sand the panel with a flat hand sander (110 grit) to raise up the clearcoat. This will highlight any imperfections on the surface, which is usually the first symptom of rust. 2) take a grinder or better yet, a cutting wheel air tool to grind right down to the steel in each spot. 3) rust treat the entire panel. 4) sand again with the hand flat sander right down to bright steel. 5) treat with "Zinc It" or other zinc primer to galvanize the areas stripped down. 6) resand and glaze as needed to match the finish surface prior to finish prime and paint.
The door photo is shown below:
Okay, there are 163!!!! pit marks on the door! YIKES! Each one was a potential rust hole in this door. All were treated with rust converter and then reground and galvanized with "Zinc It" primer (which is AWESOME! when you sand this stuff, it's like sanding a big zing block.) Can you imagine just leaving this door alone? The resulotion on the pics here is dismal, but let me tell you that each spot was at least 20 mm across by the time I grinded down past the paint and got right to the metal. Rust blossoms and spreads a lot farther than what you can see.
(Update: I've managed to get at least half the shop cleaned up! Wow! I have parts I didn't even know I had!)